The Student Support Team provides a range of extensive support across the school through the provision of proactive Wellbeing Programs, including Peer Leadership, Respectful Relationships, the Anti-Bullying program and Health Immersion Days.
At Reservoir High School, a strong Student Services Team, consisting of the Wellbeing Coordinator, a school nurse, a Mental Health Practitioner, a Youth Worker, psychologists and extensive external links with agencies and support services such as Headspace and The Salvation Army, provide pro-active and one on one support for students.
The school provides a Breakfast Club three mornings per week to ensure the nutritional and wellbeing needs of our students are met. Reservoir High School is also a lead school in the Doctors in Secondary Schools Program. This Government initiative sees a doctor and nurse at Reservoir High School supporting our well-resourced and holistic wellbeing program. The Doctor has become an integral part of the school, providing a welcoming and supportive space for students and for the school to provide a range of supports for our students.
Students at Reservoir High School rate their school experience as positive in all areas. They feel personally accepted, respected, included, valued and supported by others in the school social environment. Connected and engaged students generally experience greater wellbeing and achieve higher academic outcomes. One particular highlight has been the positive support in student endorsement of transitions both into the school, transition through the sub-schools and transition into post-schooling destinations. The school plays a key role in the “Joining the Dots” Transition Network in the wider Melbourne North area and students at Reservoir High present to the network on transition programs. The Year 10 Peer Leaders receive training in both leadership and well-being support and support the transition program within the school. In order to support the emotional development and wellbeing of all students, Reservoir High has proudly become a lead school in the Respectful Relationships program. This has seen a leadership role for the Respectful Relationships Program established and implementation of dedicated Health Immersion Days as part of the curriculum. Students have reported through the Attitudes to School survey increased connection to the school and their peers, increased respect for diversity, higher levels of safety and increased endorsement of the managing of bullying.
Aligned with the extra-curricular activities are a focus on developing engagement in the curriculum. Student choice in curriculum is fundamental through offering elective choices for students in Years 9 to 12 to select subjects that cater to their interests and talents and allow them to pursue their pathways in the Middle and Senior School in either VCE, VCE-VM and VET. The school has committed to expanding its vocational pathways, by offering the VPC in 2024 and increased scope to access external and internal VET offerings, increased participation in School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships and an on-going commitment to the Head Start Apprenticeship and Traineeship program as well as school-based supports for Structured Workplace Learning and Traineeships.