Application and Selection Process
The process involves three stages:
1. Prospective students are required to apply online via the link provided below to register for the Edutest.
2. Students are then required to undertake the Edutest. For further details on this test, refer to the SEAL brochure by clicking on the link below.
3. Candidates who gain suitable test scores across skill areas being assessed in the Edutest will be interviewed in June/July. Information from the student’s primary school will also be sought at this stage of the process. Parents /guardians will be advised of the outcome by the end of August.
The 2024 SEAL program has 25 co-educational places available.
Unsuccessful applicants will be shortlisted on a reserve list.
SEAL Testing will occur on Saturday 20th July 2024.
Please contact Jodie Purches, Assistant Principal, if you have any questions.
Learn more about the SEAL program here.