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Health & Physical Education

Health & Physical Education

Physical Education (Year 7-12)

The Physical Education course aims to provide students with lifelong approaches to the creative and healthy use of leisure time. We promote attitudes and behaviours appropriate for active participation in sports and leisure pursuits. Students improve their decision-making and problem-solving skills within physical activity and sport-related areas. They are encouraged to accept responsibility for their own decisions and actions, to develop self-respect, self-discipline and tolerance towards others. Manipulation and movement skills are promoted in order to enable basic competence in a range of physical activities.

Our Year 7 students are involved in an extensive Transition program during Term 1, including Peer Support and the Respect Ambassador Program.

Our Year 7 & 8 students participate in an extensive 5 week swimming and water safety program at Reservoir Leisure Centre, as well as 2 weeks of Gymnastics at PITGYM.

Core Health and Physical Education classes are run during years 7-9. However, in Year 9/10 students can choose to specialise in our extensive range of electives, catering for mixed groups and single sex classes.

These include:
Year 9 –Team Sports, Recreational sports and Active Girls, Outdoor Education.
Year 10 – Active Girls, PE for Boys, Hands on Health and Soccer Development, Outdoor Education.
Year 11 & 12 – Health and Human Development, Physical Education, Sport and Recreation.

Excellent Facilities

We have excellent facilities with access to a 4-court indoor stadium, hockey field, several outdoor courts, a weights room (Year 10-12 access), ovals and mezzanine. Sport and Recreation also uses the JETTS gym facilities alongside our own weights room.

 Health Education (Year 7-12)

The Health program is designed to introduce students to a range of health issues that face young people today and to promote healthy lifestyles now and into the future. Students discuss the physical, emotional and social changes that take place as we develop, together with ways of coping with these changes and how to improve their overall level of health and wellbeing. Opportunities are provided for students to develop characteristics that help build resilience. Through discussion and class activities, students are made aware of the potential effects of risk-taking on individuals and the community, with an emphasis on strategies aimed at dealing with various issues faced by young people.


Our school nurse, Alex Robinson, works closely with the Health and PE staff to consistently provide up-to-date health knowledge and engaging, relevant materials for our students.

Health Play performances are run across Years 7-9 to further enhance the engagement and learning experiences for students. The plays are interactive and have a major focus on bullying and cyber safety.

Sport Education (Year 7-12)

Reservoir High’s sporting program encourages maximum student participation in a variety of different sports. Skills and fitness specific to various sports are developed so that all students can experience success through enjoyable participation in those sports for immediate and long-term use of leisure time. There is also an opportunity for involvement in both mixed and single gender settings. Good sporting behaviours such as self-control, discipline, cooperation, tolerance and respect for others are nurtured.

Contact: Jayde Rogneda- Professional Learning Community Team Leader

Interschool Sport

Reservoir High has an extensive inter-school sports program involving a number of both individual and team sports. Reservoir competes in the Darebin Sports Division in team sports, swimming, athletics and cross country.

In 2012, our Intermediate Badminton team were State finalists and in 2015 our Intermediate boys made the state finals, just to name a few!!! An excellent achievement.

Term 1 – Volleyball, Baseball, Cricket, Softball, Tennis, Athletics, Swimming
Term 2 – Cross-country, Football, Netball, Soccer, Badminton
Term 3 – Hockey, Basketball, Futsal (VCE), Table Tennis
Term 4 – Futsal, Indoor Cricket

Students will participate in Zone and State Finals from various sports depending on team qualifications.