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Payment Methods

Cash – At General Office on School Days
Card – At General Office on School Days

Direct Deposit (EFT)

Account name: Reservoir High School
BSB: 063 898
Account Number: 100 257 34 and state your ‘ACCOUNT ID’

School Charges documents Years 7 to 12 for Reservoir High

Yr7 Parent Payment Arrangements 2024

Yr8 Parent Payment Arrangements 2024

Yr9 Parent Payment Arrangements 2024

Yr10 Parent Payment Arrangements 2024

VCE Parent Payment Arrangements 2024

Department Parent Payment Policy

Parent Payments Policy

Parent Payment Policy – One page overview


Financial Assistance 2024

Camps, Sports and Excursion Funding (CSEF)
Introduced in 2015, the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) is a Victorian Government initiative to provide payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports and excursions.

Families holding a valid means-tested concession card, or temporary foster parents, may be eligible and are strongly encouraged to apply for the $225 per year for all eligible secondary school students (Years 7 to 12). Payments will go directly to the school and will be tied to the student for use towards camps, sports and excursions.

Recipients of the CSEF in Year 7 may also be eligible for a Uniform Pack provided through State Schools Relief.

If you have, school uniforms that are not being used any more would you please consider donating them to the school. Through our Student Services area, we can pass them onto children in less fortunate circumstances. You can drop items of uniform off at the general office or give them to current students to drop off.  We thank you in advance for supporting us in assisting all students in school.

Yours faithfully,

Katie Watmough
Reservoir High School