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Enrolment and Transition, Discover RHS, Orientation Day

Transition – Grade 6 to Year 7

Grade 6 to Year 7 Transition Program

The transition process commences well before your child formally commences at Reservoir High School. We pride ourselves on ensuring a smooth transition program for each and every student.

Transition is a very important process for all students and we ensure activities take place prior to your child commencing school. Below are Transition activities that take place before Year 7 begins.

Information & Showcase Night – Our Information and Showcase night is conducted end of Term 1 and gives interested parents and students an opportunity to visit the school in the evening to hear about the educational programs available, view students’ work and experience the many and varied activities that are offered. Prospective students can also take part in interactive practical displays and activities that all of our Year 7 subject areas showcase on the night. A presentation will also be given on our Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) program before a general address to fall families and prospective students.

Open Morning – Held in late Term 1, this allows prospective students and families to experience a sample of our teaching and learning programs, view our facilities and meet our friendly staff in a larger group.

Primary School Presentations – The Junior School team visit local primary schools in Term 1 & 2 to give Grade 5/6 students an interactive presentation on what Transition is and what Reservoir High School can offer students.  Our Year 7 students who are past students of the primary school also speak to the students about their experiences and how they have settled in the early stages of Year 7.

Grade 5 Day – Grade 5 students from surrounding schools are introduced to a variety of classes at Reservoir High School allowing them the opportunity to experience Year 7 subjects. This allows Grade 5 students to experience a sample of our teaching and learning programs, view our facilities and meet our friendly staff.

Grade 6 Information Evening – An Information / Orientation Evening is held in early December in our Performing Arts Centre that gives Grade 6 students an opportunity to meet the Junior school team, school leadership team an other key staff. The evening is provided to inform parents and new Year 7 students of the educational process, extra curricular information and other key details leading into the start of Year 7.

Grade 6 Orientation Day – All Grade 6 students enrolling into Year 7 attend an Orientation Day in early December where they are participate in interactive classes and orientation activities to provide an insight into Year 7 classes. The day is also an opportunity to develop relationships and establish new friendships in a friendly and supportive environment.

The following are transition activities that occur once your child has started Year 7:

Year 7 First Day Transition Booklet – On the first day of school students are taken through a First day Transition/ Orientation booklet where they are introduced to school values, student expectations, key staff in the Junior school, understanding their timetable and logging on to our Compass system. Students are also invited to participate in friendly and safe Icebreaker and ‘Getting to know you’ activities.

Amazing Race – Always extremely popular with new Year 7 students, the Amazing Race is held just before lunch on the first day. Students are required to team up with students in their new class and run around the school trying to find various important checkpoints with a map around the school. This is a fun, engaging activity which has the students working together, making new friends and finding their way around the school.

Year 7 Camp – The Year 7 Camp is held early in Term 1 and is always a major highlight on the Year 7 and school calendar. The camp is designed to further enhance the transition to secondary school and provides the framework for developing respectful relationships with other Year 7 students and staff. The focus is on teamwork, trust, communication and having a lot of fun.

Year 7 Family BBQ – Parents and students are invited to attend the Year 7 Family BBQ held in Term 1. This allows parents to meet with their child’s teachers and see and hear first hand how their child has settled into all of their classes. This is always a great night and very well attended.

We look forward to meeting with you and helping your child successfully transition into secondary school at Reservoir High School.

If you have any specific questions relating to Transition please contact Mr Darryl Forbes (Junior School Leader) on 9466 0900 or email questions to

If you would like to organise a school tour with our school Principal Katie Watmough, please contact our Administration office on 9466 0900.

Principal Tours of the school take place on Tuesday and can be arranged by phoning the General Office on 9466 0900.

Key information for Grade 6 students

Parents should refer to the 2024 Parent/Carer Transition Information & Guidance Pack provided to Year 6 families from the start of Term 2 from your child’s government primary school. The Parent/Carer Pack contains the Application for Year 7 Placement 2025 form (the Application form).

Your Primary School will make arrangements with you regarding how you should return the Application form.

Friday 10 May – Application for Year 7 Placement 2024 returned to child’s Primary School.

Wednesday 17 July – Government Primary schools will notify families of their child’s Year 7 placement offer.

Tuesday 10 December – Statewide Grade 6 Orientation Day

Yr7 Scholarship information

Wednesday 27 November – Year 7 2025 Information Evening

Enrolments – Years 8 - 12

New Enrolments

All new enrolments to Reservoir High School (excluding Grade 6 into Year 7 transition) are conducted by an Assistant Principal.

A parent meeting is required at a mutually arranged appointment time and it is expected that the student attend this meeting as well.  Enrolment forms will be provided at the meeting.

School requirements and information including uniform, books, lockers, code of conduct, parent and student supports and courses of study are discussed with parents and students before enrolment forms are signed. Meetings do not take place without a parent/guardian in attendance. To make an enrolment enquiry please fill out Enrolment Expression of Interest Form.


RHS zone

Check your address on the Victorian State Government ‘Find my School’ interactive page in the link below.